Our whole team is trained for canine training and behavioral problems in dogs!
From the administration to the trainers, as well as the locations manager 🙂
Our trainers are MFEC members, Low Stress certified, and our entire team is canine first-aid certified.
Low Stress Certification
Gwennaëlle Coquoz
Dog sitter, dog walker and groundskeeper.
Sara Fernandes
Dog sitter at daycare and Dog Walker
Caroline Manzano
Canine trainer specializing in behavior, she manages pet dog training, she is also our Anglophone trainer.
Ariane Girardet
Our administrative assistant and canine trainer wrapping up her specialization in canine behavior.
Lucie Trebillod
Pet dog trainer specializing in behavior, socialization and canine sports, She manages the doggy daycare.
Ouarda Dardouri
Fouder and Trainer for adults in her field, Specialized trainer for behavior and pets.
Betty Peillex
Our agility and dog walker instructor. Competitor in her field, trained and certified dog educator.
Laurie Grandjean
Canine trainer specializing in behavior and puppies as well as training at home.
Chrystel Clouzet
Specialized canine trainer for behavior, she is our Socialization specialist.